

Enter one of these commands to install the library:

pip install boticordpy
python3 -m pip install boticordpy

Or just clone the repo: https://github.com/grey-cat-1908/boticordpy


Without Using Cogs System

Post bot stats when bot is ready.

from discord.ext import commands

from boticordpy import BoticordClient

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix="!")
boticord = BoticordClient(bot, "your-boticord-token")

async def on_ready():
    stats = {"servers": len(bot.guilds), "shards": bot.shard_count, "users": len(bot.users)}
    await boticord.Bots.postStats(stats)


Using Cogs System

Cog with automatically stats post (every 15 minutes) + bot’s owner command that can be used to post stats.

from discord.ext import commands

from boticordpy import BoticordClient

class BoticordCog(commands.Cog):
    def __init__(self, bot):
        self.bot = bot
        self.boticord = BoticordClient(self.bot, "your-boticord-token")

    async def boticord_update(self, ctx):
            This commands can be used by owner to post stats to boticord
        stats = {"servers": len(self.bot.guilds), "shards": 0, "users": len(self.bot.users)}
        await self.boticord.Bots.postStats(stats)

def setup(bot):