
This page describes all the exceptions of boticordpy module.

exception boticordpy.exceptions.BoticordException

Base exception class for boticordpy. This could be caught to handle any exceptions thrown from this library.

exception boticordpy.exceptions.Forbidden(response)

Exception that’s thrown when status code 403 occurs.

exception boticordpy.exceptions.HTTPException(response)

Exception that’s thrown when an HTTP request operation fails.


The response of the failed HTTP request.


The text of the error. Could be an empty string.

exception boticordpy.exceptions.NotFound(response)

Exception that’s thrown when status code 404 occurs.

exception boticordpy.exceptions.ServerError(response)

Exception that’s thrown when status code 500 or 503 occurs.

exception boticordpy.exceptions.ToManyRequests(response)

Exception that’s thrown when status code 429 occurs.

exception boticordpy.exceptions.Unauthorized(response)

Exception that’s thrown when status code 401 occurs.