Source code for boticordpy.types

from datetime import datetime, timezone
from enum import IntEnum, Enum, EnumMeta
import copy
from dataclasses import _is_dataclass_instance, fields, dataclass
from typing import (
from sys import modules
from itertools import chain

from typing_extensions import get_type_hints

KT = TypeVar("KT")
VT = TypeVar("VT")
T = TypeVar("T")

class Singleton(type):
    # Thanks to this stackoverflow answer (method 3):
    _instances = {}

    def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        if cls not in cls._instances:
            cls._instances[cls] = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
        return cls._instances[cls]

class TypeCache(metaclass=Singleton):
    # Thanks to Pincer Devs. This class is from the Pincer Library.
    cache = {}

    def __init__(self):
        lcp = modules.copy()
        for module in lcp:
            if not module.startswith("melisa"):


def _asdict_ignore_none(obj: Generic[T]) -> Union[Tuple, Dict, T]:
    Returns a dict from a dataclass that ignores
    all values that are None
    Modification of _asdict_inner from dataclasses
    obj: Generic[T]
        The object to convert
        A dict without None values


    if _is_dataclass_instance(obj):
        result = []
        for f in fields(obj):
            value = _asdict_ignore_none(getattr(obj,

            if isinstance(value, Enum):
                result.append((, value.value))
            elif not"_"):
                result.append((, value))

        return dict(result)

    elif isinstance(obj, tuple) and hasattr(obj, "_fields"):
        return type(obj)(*[_asdict_ignore_none(v) for v in obj])

    elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)):
        return type(obj)(_asdict_ignore_none(v) for v in obj)

    elif isinstance(obj, datetime):
        return str(round(obj.timestamp() * 1000))

    elif isinstance(obj, dict):
        return type(obj)(
            (_asdict_ignore_none(k), _asdict_ignore_none(v)) for k, v in obj.items()
        return copy.deepcopy(obj)

class APIObjectBase:
    Represents an object which has been fetched from the BotiCord API.

    def __attr_convert(self, attr_value: Dict, attr_type: T) -> T:
        factory = attr_type

        # Always use `__factory__` over __init__
        if getattr(attr_type, "__factory__", None):
            factory = attr_type.__factory__

        if attr_value is None:
            return None

        if attr_type is not None and isinstance(attr_value, attr_type):
            return attr_value

        if isinstance(attr_value, dict):
            return factory(attr_value)

        return factory(attr_value)

    def __post_init__(self):

        attributes = chain.from_iterable(
            get_type_hints(cls, globalns=TypeCache.cache).items()
            for cls in chain(self.__class__.__bases__, (self,))

        for attr, attr_type in attributes:
            # Ignore private attributes.
            if attr.startswith("_"):

            types = self.__get_types(attr, attr_type)

            types = tuple(filter(lambda tpe: tpe is not None, types))

            if not types:
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Attribute `{attr}` in `{type(self).__name__}` only "
                    "consisted of missing/optional type!"

            specific_tp = types[0]

            attr_gotten = getattr(self, attr)

            if tp := get_origin(specific_tp):
                specific_tp = tp

            if isinstance(specific_tp, EnumMeta) and not attr_gotten:
                attr_value = None
            elif tp == list and attr_gotten and (classes := get_args(types[0])):
                attr_value = [
                    self.__attr_convert(attr_item, classes[0])
                    for attr_item in attr_gotten
            elif tp == dict and attr_gotten and (classes := get_args(types[0])):
                attr_value = {
                    key: self.__attr_convert(value, classes[1])
                    for key, value in attr_gotten.items()
                attr_value = self.__attr_convert(attr_gotten, specific_tp)

            setattr(self, attr, attr_value)

    def __get_types(self, attr: str, arg_type: type) -> Tuple[type]:
        origin = get_origin(arg_type)

        if origin is Union:
            # Ahh yes, typing module has no type annotations for this...
            # noinspection PyTypeChecker
            args: Tuple[type] = get_args(arg_type)

            if 2 <= len(args) < 4:
                return args

            raise ValueError(
                f"Attribute `{attr}` in `{type(self).__name__}` has too many "
                f"or not enough arguments! (got {len(args)} expected 2-3)"

        return (arg_type,)

    def __factory__(cls: Generic[T], *args, **kwargs) -> T:
        return cls.from_dict(*args, **kwargs)

    def __repr__(self):
        attrs = ", ".join(
            for k, v in self.__dict__.items()
            if v and not k.startswith("_")

        return f"{type(self).__name__}({attrs})"

    def __str__(self):
        if _name := getattr(self, "__name__", None):
            return f"{_name} {self.__class__.__name__.lower()}"

        return super().__str__()

    def to_dict(self) -> Dict:
        Transform the current object to a dictionary representation. Parameters that
        start with an underscore are not serialized.
        return _asdict_ignore_none(self)

[docs]class BotLibrary(IntEnum): """The library that the bot is based on""" DISCORD4J = 1 """Discord4j""" DISCORDCR = 2 """Discordcr""" DISCORDGO = 3 """DiscordGO""" DISCORDDOO = 4 """Discordoo""" DSHARPPLUS = 5 """DSharpPlus""" DISCORDJS = 6 """Discord.js""" DISCORDNET = 7 """Discord.Net""" DISCORDPY = 8 """""" ERIS = 9 """eris""" JAVACORD = 10 """JavaCord""" JDA = 11 """JDA""" OTHER = 12 """Other""" NONE = 0 """Bot's library doesn't specified"""
[docs]class ResourceStatus(IntEnum): """Status of the project on monitoring""" HIDDEN = 0 """is hidden""" PUBLIC = 1 """is public""" BANNED = 2 """is banned""" PENDING = 3 """is pending"""
[docs]class ServerTag(IntEnum): """Tags of the server""" SPEAKING = 130 """Speaking""" FUN = 131 """Fun""" GAMES = 132 """Games""" CINEMA = 133 """Cinema""" ANIME = 134 """Anime""" ART = 135 """Art""" CODING = 136 """Coding""" MUSIC = 137 """Music""" ADULT = 138 """18+""" ROLEPLAY = 139 """Role-Play""" HUMOUR = 140 """Humour""" GENSHIN = 160 """Genshin""" MINECRAFT = 161 """Minecraft""" GTA = 162 """GTA""" CS = 163 """CS""" DOTA = 164 """Dota""" AMONG_US = 165 """Among Us""" FORTNITE = 166 """Fortnite""" BRAWL_STARS = 167 """Brawl Stars"""
[docs]class BotTag(IntEnum): """Tags of the bot""" MODERATION = 0 """Moderation""" BOT = 1 """Bot""" UTILITIES = 2 """Utilities""" ENTERTAINMENT = 3 """Entertainment""" MUSIC = 4 """Music""" ECONOMY = 5 """Economy""" LOGS = 6 """Logs""" LEVELS = 7 """Levels""" NSFW = 8 """NSFW (18+)""" SETTINGS = 9 """Settings""" ROLE_PLAY = 10 """Role-Play""" MEMES = 11 """Memes""" GAMES = 12 """Games""" AI = 13 """AI"""
[docs]@dataclass(repr=False) class UserBadge(APIObjectBase): """Information about user's profile badge""" id: int """Badge's ID""" name: str """Badge's name""" asset_url: str """Badge's icon URL"""
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict): """Generate a UserBadge from the given data. Parameters ---------- data: :class:`dict` The dictionary to convert into a UserBadge. """ self: UserBadge = super().__new__(cls) = data["id"] = data["name"] self.asset_url = data["assetURL"] return self
[docs]@dataclass(repr=False) class ResourceUp(APIObjectBase): """Information about bump (bot/server)""" id: str """Bump's id""" expires: datetime """Expiration date. (ATTENTION! When using `to_dict()`, the data may not correspond to the actual data due to the peculiarities of the `datetime` module)"""
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict): """Generate a ResourceUp from the given data. Parameters ---------- data: :class:`dict` The dictionary to convert into a ResourceUp. """ self: ResourceUp = super().__new__(cls) = data["id"] self.expires = datetime.fromtimestamp( int(int(data["expires"]) / 1000), tz=timezone.utc ) return self
[docs]@dataclass(repr=False) class ResourceRating(APIObjectBase): """Rating of bot/server""" count: int """Number of ratings""" rating: int """Rating (from 1 to 5)"""
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict): """Generate a ResourceRating from the given data. Parameters ---------- data: :class:`dict` The dictionary to convert into a ResourceRating. """ self: ResourceRating = super().__new__(cls) self.count = data["count"] self.rating = data["rating"] return self
[docs]@dataclass(repr=False) class PartialUser(APIObjectBase): """Partial user from BotiCord.""" username: str """Username""" discriminator: str """Discriminator""" avatar: Optional[str] """Avatar of the user""" id: str """Id of the user""" socials: UserLinks """Links of the user""" description: Optional[str] """Description of the user""" short_description: Optional[str] """Short description of the user""" status: Optional[str] """Status of the user""" short_domain: Optional[str] """Short domain"""
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict): """Generate a PartialUser from the given data. Parameters ---------- data: :class:`dict` The dictionary to convert into a PartialUser. """ self: cls = super().__new__(cls) self.username = data["username"] self.discriminator = data.get("discriminator") self.avatar = data.get("avatar") = data["id"] self.socials = UserLinks.from_dict(data.get("socials", {})) self.description = data.get("description") self.short_description = data.get("shortDescription") self.status = data.get("status") self.short_domain = data.get("shortDomain") return self
[docs]@dataclass(repr=False) class ResourceServer(APIObjectBase): """Information about server from BotiCord. .. warning:: The result of the reverse conversion (`.to_dict()`) may not match the actual data. """ id: str """Server's ID""" name: str """Server's name""" short_description: str """Server's short description""" description: str """Server's description""" avatar: Optional[str] """Server's avatar""" short_link: Optional[str] """Server's short link""" invite_link: str """Server's invite link""" premium_active: bool """Server's premium state""" premium_auto_fetch: Optional[bool] """Server's premium auto fetch state""" premium_banner_url: Optional[str] """Server's premium banner URL""" premium_splash_url: Optional[str] """Server's premium splash URL""" standart_banner_id: int """Server's standart banner ID""" owner: str """Server's owner ID""" status: ResourceStatus """Server's status""" ratings: List[ResourceRating] """Server's ratings""" created_date: datetime """Server's creation time""" members: Optional[int] """Server's members count""" website: Optional[str] """Server's website""" tags: List[ServerTag] """Server's tags""" moderators: List[PartialUser] """Server's moderators""" up_count: int """Server's up count""" ups: Optional[ResourceUp] """Server's ups"""
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict): """Generate a ResourceServer from the given data. Parameters ---------- data: :class:`dict` The dictionary to convert into a ResourceServer.""" self = super().__new__(cls) = data.get("id") = data.get("name") self.short_description = data.get("shortDescription") self.description = data.get("description") self.avatar = data.get("avatar") self.short_link = data.get("shortLink") self.invite_link = data.get("inviteLink") self.owner = data.get("owner") = data.get("website") self.up_count = data.get("upCount") self.standart_banner_id = data.get("standartBannerID") self.premium_active = data["premium"].get("active") self.premium_splash_url = data["premium"].get("splashURL") self.premium_auto_fetch = data["premium"].get("autoFetch") self.premium_banner_url = data["premium"].get("bannerURL") self.status = ResourceStatus(data.get("status")) self.ratings = [ ResourceRating.from_dict(rating) for rating in data.get("ratings", []) ] self.created_date = datetime.strptime( data.get("createdDate"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z" ) self.tags = [ServerTag(tag) for tag in data.get("tags", [])] = [ResourceUp.from_dict(up) for up in data.get("ups", [])] self.moderators = [ PartialUser.from_dict(mod) for mod in data.get("moderators", []) ] self.members = data.get("memberCount") return self
[docs]@dataclass(repr=False) class ResourceBot(APIObjectBase): """Bot published on BotiCord .. warning:: The result of the reverse conversion (`.to_dict()`) may not match the actual data. """ id: str """ID of the bot""" name: str """Name of the bot""" short_description: str """Short description of the bot""" description: str """Description of the bot""" avatar: Optional[str] """Avatar of the bot""" short_link: Optional[str] """Short link to the bot's page""" standart_banner_id: int """Server's standart banner ID""" invite_link: str """Invite link""" premium_active: bool """Is premium status active? (True/False)""" premium_splash_url: Optional[str] """Link to the splash""" premium_auto_fetch: Optional[bool] """Is auto-fetch enabled? (True/False)""" premium_banner_url: Optional[str] """Premium banner URL""" owner: str """Owner of the bot""" status: ResourceStatus """Status of the bot""" ratings: List[ResourceRating] """Bot's ratings""" prefix: str """Prefix of the bot""" discriminator: str """Bot's discriminator""" created_date: datetime """Date when the bot was published""" support_server_invite_link: Optional[str] """Link to the support server""" library: Optional[BotLibrary] """The library that the bot is based on""" guilds: Optional[int] """Number of guilds""" shards: Optional[int] """Number of shards""" members: Optional[int] """Number of members""" website: Optional[str] """Link to bot's website""" tags: List[BotTag] """List of bot tags""" up_count: int """Number of ups""" ups: List[ResourceUp] """List of bot's ups""" developers: List[PartialUser] """List of bot's developers"""
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict): """Generate a ResourceBot from the given data. Parameters ---------- data: :class:`dict` The dictionary to convert into a ResourceBot. """ self: ResourceBot = super().__new__(cls) = data.get("id") = data.get("name") self.short_description = data.get("shortDescription") self.description = data.get("description") self.avatar = data.get("avatar") self.short_link = data.get("shortLink") self.invite_link = data.get("inviteLink") self.owner = data.get("owner") self.prefix = data.get("prefix") self.discriminator = data.get("discriminator") self.support_server_invite_link = data.get("support_server_invite") = data.get("website") self.up_count = data.get("upCount") self.standart_banner_id = data.get("standartBannerID") self.premium_active = data["premium"].get("active") self.premium_splash_url = data["premium"].get("splashURL") self.premium_auto_fetch = data["premium"].get("autoFetch") self.premium_banner_url = data["premium"].get("bannerURL") self.status = ResourceStatus(data.get("status")) self.ratings = [ ResourceRating.from_dict(rating) for rating in data.get("ratings", []) ] self.created_date = datetime.strptime( data["createdDate"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f%z" ) self.library = ( BotLibrary(data["library"]) if data.get("library") is not None else None ) self.tags = [BotTag(tag) for tag in data.get("tags", [])] = [ResourceUp.from_dict(up) for up in data.get("ups", [])] self.developers = [ PartialUser.from_dict(dev) for dev in data.get("developers", []) ] self.guilds = data.get("guilds") self.shards = data.get("shards") self.members = data.get("members") return self
[docs]@dataclass(repr=False) class UserProfile(PartialUser): """Information about user's profile from BotiCord.'""" badges: List[UserBadge] """User's badges list.""" bots: List[ResourceBot] """User's bots list""" servers: List[ResourceServer] """User's servers list"""
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict): """Generate a UserProfile from the given data. Parameters ---------- data: :class:`dict` The dictionary to convert into a UserProfile.""" self = super().from_dict(data) self.badges = [UserBadge.from_dict(badge) for badge in data.get("badges", [])] self.bots = [ResourceBot.from_dict(bot) for bot in data.get("bots", [])] self.servers = [ ResourceServer.from_dict(server) for server in data.get("servers", []) ] return self
[docs]@dataclass(repr=False) class MeiliIndexedBot(APIObjectBase): """Bot found on BotiCord .. warning:: The result of the reverse conversion (`.to_dict()`) may not match the actual data. """ id: str """ID of the bot""" name: str """Name of the bot""" short_description: str """Short description of the bot""" description: str """Description of the bot""" avatar: Optional[str] """Avatar of the bot""" invite: str """Invite link""" premium_active: bool """Is premium status active? (True/False)""" premium_banner: Optional[str] """Premium banner URL""" banner: int """Standart banner""" rating: int """Bot's rating""" discriminator: str """Bot's discriminator""" library: Optional[BotLibrary] """The library that the bot is based on""" guilds: Optional[int] """Number of guilds""" shards: Optional[int] """Number of shards""" members: Optional[int] """Number of members""" tags: List[BotTag] """List of bot tags""" ups: int """List of bot's ups"""
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict): """Generate a MeiliIndexedBot from the given data. Parameters ---------- data: :class:`dict` The dictionary to convert into a MeiliIndexedBot. """ self: MeiliIndexedBot = super().__new__(cls) = data.get("id") = data.get("name") self.short_description = data.get("shortDescription") self.description = data.get("description") self.avatar = data.get("avatar") self.invite = data.get("invite") self.discriminator = data.get("discriminator") = data.get("ups") self.rating = data.get("rating") self.banner = data.get("banner") self.premium_active = data.get("premiumActive") self.premium_banner = data.get("premiumBanner") self.library = ( BotLibrary(data["library"]) if data.get("library") is not None else None ) self.tags = [BotTag(tag) for tag in data.get("tags", [])] self.guilds = data.get("guilds") self.shards = data.get("shards") self.members = data.get("members") return self
[docs]@dataclass(repr=False) class MeiliIndexedServer(APIObjectBase): """Server found on BotiCord .. warning:: The result of the reverse conversion (`.to_dict()`) may not match the actual data. """ id: str """ID of the server""" name: str """Name of the server""" short_description: str """Short description of the server""" description: str """Description of the server""" avatar: Optional[str] """Avatar of the server""" invite: str """Invite link""" premium_active: bool """Is premium status active? (True/False)""" premium_banner: Optional[str] """Premium banner URL""" banner: int """Standart banner""" discord_banner: Optional[str] """Discord banner URL""" rating: int """Server's rating""" members: Optional[int] """Number of members""" tags: List[ServerTag] """List of server tags""" ups: int """List of server's ups"""
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict): """Generate a MeiliIndexedServer from the given data. Parameters ---------- data: :class:`dict` The dictionary to convert into a MeiliIndexedServer. """ self: MeiliIndexedServer = super().__new__(cls) = data.get("id") = data.get("name") self.short_description = data.get("shortDescription") self.description = data.get("description") self.avatar = data.get("avatar") self.invite = data.get("invite") = data.get("ups") self.rating = data.get("rating") self.banner = data.get("banner") self.premium_active = data.get("premiumActive") self.premium_banner = data.get("premiumBanner") self.discord_banner = data.get("discordBanner") self.tags = [ServerTag(tag) for tag in data.get("tags", [])] self.members = data.get("members") return self
[docs]@dataclass(repr=False) class MeiliIndexedComment(APIObjectBase): """Comment found on BotiCord""" id: str """ID of the comment""" author: str """Id of the author of the comment""" rating: int """Comment's rating""" content: str """Content of the comment""" resource: str """Id of the resource""" created: datetime """When the comment was created""" mod_reply: Optional[str] """Reply to the comment"""
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, data: dict): """Generate a MeiliIndexedComment from the given data. Parameters ---------- data: :class:`dict` The dictionary to convert into a MeiliIndexedComment. """ self: MeiliIndexedComment = super().__new__(cls) = data.get("id") self.rating = data.get("rating") = data.get("author") self.content = data.get("content") self.resource = data.get("resource") self.mod_reply = data.get("modReply") self.created = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(data.get("created") / 1000) return self